The Wood-Mizer Pro Sawyer Network
The Pro Sawyer Network is an elite club of professional, actively sawing Wood-Mizer owners that work with Wood-Mizer for mutual success. Members of the Pro Sawyer Network can gain extra business by being listed on Wood-Mizer’s local sawyer directory and can also receive credit on account when their sawmill demonstrations result in a future purchase. The Pro Sawyer Network is just another way we work for your ultimate success. Become a Wood-Mizer Pro Sawyer today!
Become a Pro Sawyer Member
- Get your business listed on our local sawyer directory to gain customers
- Earn credits towards future purchases by demonstrating your mill to potential Wood-Mizer customers
- Free Pro Sawyer Membership Handbook, Hat and Mug

Applying for the Pro Sawyer Network
Get ready for some exciting opportunities! The Pro Sawyer Network has several participation options, and the membership is free. You can select one option or all options on the application.
Program Participation Options
Option 1 - List my information online
If you have a sawing business or a side hustle, Wood-Mizer can send you customers!
Members of the Pro Sawyer Network will be on our list of sawing businesses we recommend to people who contact us to find a local sawing service. Being a member of the Pro Sawyer Network will bring more customers to you, and help you stand out from local competition.
Option 2 - Willing to demonstrate my equipment
Do you like showing off your sawmill equipment? Turn your passion into credit dollars!
Only registered demonstrators in the Pro Sawyer Network will be eligible to receive credit if someone buys equipment after seeing a demonstration. Once you're a registered demonstrator, we will supply you with materials for holding successful demonstrations that may result in credit on your account which can be used for any purchase (blades, service, parts, upgrades, etc.)
Option 3 - Willing to help with local events
Select this option if you are interested in being considered to help with local events.
Occasionally, we may ask Pro Sawyer Network members to assist with sawmill equipment demonstrations or participate in local events when needed. By selecting this option, you are not required to participate, but are available for requests.
General Membership Requirements
- Regular equipment usage
- Using Wood-Mizer sawmill blades
- Good financial standing with Wood-Mizer
- Eager to work with Wood-Mizer for mutual success
- New owners must wait 60-days after receiving equipment to apply
*Wood-Mizer reserves the right to approve or disapprove any application at our discretion. Wood-Mizer reserves the right to suspend membership at any time.
Approved Members Will Receive
More to Come!
- Pro Sawyer Network hat
- Pro Sawyer Network coffee mug
- Membership handbook
- Additional materials and resources for program success

Apply Online