Cutting Knife Starter Kit
High quality straight & profile knives to get you started.
This package includes 9 pair of profiling knives (size 40mm) for manufacturing of siding, paneling, shiplap, and decking. The MP260 basic set comes with 3 pair of KIL-038 wedges. The MP360 basic set comes with 2 pair of KIL360-038 wedges and 1 pair of KIL-038 wedges.
Knife Kit Includes

Interior and Exterior Siding and Panelling. Radius 4 Tongue and Groove

Decking Radius 3

Interior and Exterior Siding and Paneling. V-Joint. Tongue and Groove.

KIL-038 Wedge

Exterior and Interior Shiplap. 12.7mm Rabbet.

Interior and Exterior Panelling. Tongue and Groove.

Back Cut-Out Relief Knife for Siding and Panelling.

KIL360-038 Wedge
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